Monday, October 13, 2008


So I realized the other day...well, maybe it was like a week or two. I have not done anything to this blog since I returned from Taiwan, so I decided to start back up.

I have chosen the title "In all your ways..." as a reminder to myself, and by God's grace to those who read this. A reminder to: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3: 5-6. This is a commonly known passage, but if you look at the context in the chapter, it is a charge to remember and keep God's commands, a charge to remember God's steadfast love and faithfulness, a charge to trust and seek God, for true wisdom is found only in Him. I have clung to the passage of verses 5-6 since I was young. It was some of the first verses I learned and something about it, even in my young age, jumped out at me and clung to my heart. I have experienced some different things in my life so far, some hard, some very painful, some confusing, some exciting, some hurtful, some challenging; yet through each circumstance I am reminded, at some point, of this passage. And every time it comes to mind I am taken back to the feeling, the simplicity, the confidence, of faith like a child. So the title "in all your ways..." is exactly what it says. No strings attached, no hidden meanings, not even any deep theological concept, it is what it is: Trust in the Lord and acknowledge ALL your ways.

As life the last few months has taken a bit of a new turn for me...working full time...I am drawn, yet again to this charge. What a tremendous God my Savior is that no matter what state of life He has me in, this truth can and always will apply, I must draw upon it, I must remember to trust God, acknowledge God, in ALL my ways, why? He will make straight my paths.

"By steadfast love and faithfulness, iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear of the Lord, one turns away from evil." Proverbs 16:4

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