Monday, October 15, 2007

Life in Taiwan

-We needed to go to the store, we got prepared for the walk but...OH! I forgot to bring grocery bags. Oh well, I guess I will just have to carry it back, unless I want to buy a grocery bag.
-At the store, I cannot decide if I want red bean pudding, or milk pudding.
-Make sure you get your fruits and veggies weighed before you check out!
-We took the scooter to the city rather than the MRT.
-My lunch today only cost $100!!! Wow, what a great deal!
-How much did it cost to send that letter? Oh, just 15 dollars.
-I try to find the stall with the Western toilet and not the squat toilet.
-I need to make a trip to dump my food today, and then take my recyclables to their dump, and then the regular trash to its dump.
-It seems that people are always celebrating something with fireworks...but is probably just some other god they are worshiping and trying to scare off evil spirits with the fireworks.
-At night, the music of the garbage truck will get stuck in your head!

Those are just a few things in regular life over here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is soo funny!!! haha!!!
mom's so cute- she thought that it was a picture and couldn't figure out what it was of...sigh.
trash must be a big thing there :P