Saturday, November 21, 2009


Consistency. Why does that seem to be so difficult. I speak specifically of this little blog thinger-ma-jig. I think I write maybe twice a year. I would like to be more consistent, and perhaps I am at a time in life when I can be!

What about consistency in the walk of following Christ. Wow, doesn't that seem like a mighty task! We are told in Romans 7 of the war that rages within us between the spirit and the flesh, and what a battle it is. Think about the daily things in life we must strive for consistency in: daily time in God's word, prayer, keeping the house cleaned, staying in touch with family and friends and so on. And that doesn't even touch on God's commands and the putting on of Christ. striving to be consistent in patience, in joy, in self-control, of kindness, of love! Whew...we sure have enough to keep us busy for a lifetime and beyond. Galatians 5 challenges us to walk by the Spirit. A walk is something that is consistent, persevering and focused.

So how are we to get this consistency...or keep this consistency? In and of ourselves we cannot. Only those bought by the blood of Jesus have been given the power of the Holy Spirit and through Christ are continually be transformed and purified. We are in a battle, we must bear up, put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6) and FIGHT! The only way to a consistent lifestyle is by trusting Jesus alone to change you. We still will fall, and when that happens, what will we do? Will we give up in hopelessness? One of the definitions of consistent is "fixed, firm." We must be fixed on our course, we must be fixed on the end goal, we must be fixed upon Jesus Christ - The perfect one who lived a perfectly consistent and righteous life to pay the penalty for your sin. I believe a key to staying, or even striving for consistency in all areas is to first and foremost set your mind upon Jesus Christ, His perfect life and what He has done in showing His amazing love for you.

"How deep the Father's love for us,
vast beyond all measure.
That He should give His only Son,
to make a wretch His treasure."

Monday, September 14, 2009

Why am I Here?

Many people wonder, "why am I here", but most people do not take the necessary measures to find the answer. Or to find the correct answer.

I spent this past summer working at the Boardwalk Chapel in NJ where the staff of 16 people put on nightly programs at an open chapel on the public beach boardwalk. The programs consisted of music, skits, testimonies and preaching...all of which were saturated in the gospel. After these programs we would go out and share the gospel with those on the boardwalk. Many people I had the opportunity to speak with had this question, and sadly, many had never wondered and didn't care.
In all of life, the basic answer to this question is: "To glorify God and enjoy Him forever." We are created by God to love, serve, and obey Him with "all your heart, mind, soul, and strength." (Deut. 10:12) Because of our sinful state, this is only made possible because Christ took the curse that we deserve, giving grace to those who repent and beileve upon Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. God also commands His children to go into all the world to proclaim the gospel (Matt. 28:19-20).
Perhaps you have, at times, wondered the more specifics to this question, such as: "Why am I in this particular place in life?", "What, specifically, does God require of me in the next coming days?" I have thought and prayed much over this lately as I am now at home, and it is a joy to see how God reveals, sometimes all at once or sometimes little by little, to you how you can serve, learn, and know Him more. However, with this knowledge of His specific will for the moment comes discipline. It is a surrending of your will to be obedient to His call. I am seeing how this manifests itself in little ways such as, waking up at a decent hour, eating, exercising, doing the important things first! Oh how simple it all seems; yet, often times it is those very simple day to day things that try our faith and obedience.
Prayer. O how often our wills must be surrendered in prayer...every day! Is it any wonder why Paul says "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). Pray for God's grace as you are obedient to His will, pray for His strength, pray for His guidence, pray that He would be made known in your conduct and speech and life. And never forget, as Paul goes on to say in 1 Thess. 5:18 "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Friday, October 24, 2008


I came upon a journal entry a few minutes ago and felt it worth sharing. It is about writing about joy that comes in life. I decided to set a particular journal aside for writing particularily about instances or thoughts of joy. Well, lately it has been used for writing quotes and verses...but that brings joy as well!

The journal entry is dated September 8th, 2007 and is as follows:

"It is a strange thing, my desire to write, yet my inability to write or think anything rational when pen and paper are in my hand. It is as if I am intimidated at the power of words-the power of words to teach, to exhort, to hurt, to encourage, to reveal, to understand, to kill, to love. The words in my head can overcome me, but when I put them on paper, they have power to overcome others. Do I want that kind of control? Or can it be used in a God glorifying way to turn hearts towards what they are created for.
"I have decided to dedicate this book soley to the writings of the occurances, experiences, lessons, feelings and anything of the like that pertain to joy. It must not be written in unless joy can be encountered and felt throughout the pages and words...ahh, there we go. Words. Words...of joy! How peasant those must be to the ear of God. For, joy is much different than mere happiness. Happiness is temporary-a fulfillment of the moment that gives one a sensation of joy. A mere taste. But joy...oh sweet joy. Joy is a complete fulfillement. It is a fulfillment that cannot be contained, seen, touched or bought. Joy is eternal. Joy is finding strength, endurance and hope no matter what the circumstances. And that can only be found in Christ. Christ is joy. 
"So why am I writing now, what joy have I experienced now. The joy of contentment despite the realization of reality. Life is not always how we want or think it should be. There are dissapointments, changes, disasters. But despite these things, joy holds fast. Why? Because there is still hope. There is no point, no reason, and no life in giving up or giving in to dissapointment because things do not turn out. God is sovereign. He has planned it all and has everthing in His power and control. Moreoverly, He works all things for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose. So tonight, as I sit and contemplate and desperately wish that the thoughts and words in my head might reside but a second longer so I may capture them, I am filled with joy; because I know that wherever God leads me and whatever He calls me to it is for good, and it is for His glory-and that...that fills me with joy."

I think that I need to be reminded of this more often. And to add to it: God desires us to have joy, He tells us in His word that He will "give you the desires of your heart"(ps 37:4) and He "satisfies you with good "(ps. 103: 5) and He knows that the only true satisfying joy, all that truely is good for us is Christ. 

"Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. " Philippians 3:8a

Monday, October 13, 2008


So I realized the other day...well, maybe it was like a week or two. I have not done anything to this blog since I returned from Taiwan, so I decided to start back up.

I have chosen the title "In all your ways..." as a reminder to myself, and by God's grace to those who read this. A reminder to: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3: 5-6. This is a commonly known passage, but if you look at the context in the chapter, it is a charge to remember and keep God's commands, a charge to remember God's steadfast love and faithfulness, a charge to trust and seek God, for true wisdom is found only in Him. I have clung to the passage of verses 5-6 since I was young. It was some of the first verses I learned and something about it, even in my young age, jumped out at me and clung to my heart. I have experienced some different things in my life so far, some hard, some very painful, some confusing, some exciting, some hurtful, some challenging; yet through each circumstance I am reminded, at some point, of this passage. And every time it comes to mind I am taken back to the feeling, the simplicity, the confidence, of faith like a child. So the title "in all your ways..." is exactly what it says. No strings attached, no hidden meanings, not even any deep theological concept, it is what it is: Trust in the Lord and acknowledge ALL your ways.

As life the last few months has taken a bit of a new turn for me...working full time...I am drawn, yet again to this charge. What a tremendous God my Savior is that no matter what state of life He has me in, this truth can and always will apply, I must draw upon it, I must remember to trust God, acknowledge God, in ALL my ways, why? He will make straight my paths.

"By steadfast love and faithfulness, iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear of the Lord, one turns away from evil." Proverbs 16:4

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Phase...a Change....Life!?

With so many things changing, I thought I might as well change my blog too.
I have been home for several weeks now. It has been such a joy to be home again, with the family, friends, church. Very refreshing. It is also great to spend time with my sister, Katy, before she gets married this summer! I am grateful for this time.

As much as I am enjoying this time of 'rest' for now, I am doing much praying about plan for the future and where/how God may be leading me. With many options and opportunities, things can get confusing and even frustrating. However, God is teaching me to take it one day at a time, and wait on His timing. In the midst of this He is teaching me and giving me opportunities to serve and to learn. I believe those are the two biggest things He has for me right now.

So as changes come in what I am doing in life, they are also coming in my heart and who I am in Christ as I draw closer to His heart. I look forward as God continues to guides me in the next phase of life. Where it is headed...only He knows!